Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Chipotle Adventure!

Nyamo here!

Yesterday was one of my favorite holidays of the year, Halloween! Nya! I was visiting some friends at IIT and they told me about an event Chipotle was having for a Boo-riffic Halloween, where you can get a free burrito for dressing up like a burrito, taco, or taco salad. Of course this adventurer loves free things, so I just had to go. Bring on the aluminum foil!

Here we all are getting dressed up for the burrito-y goodness with foil hats and tails.

Even Beaker from the Muppets loves free burritos!

All wrapped up and ready to go!

Waiting for the train took a while, but that didn't bring our spirits down one bit.

See, it really wasn't that bad of a wait for the train.

After waiting forever in a long line of other burrito enthusiasts, we finally got our free Chipotle!


Mmm!!! Burritos sure taste better when they're free!

I'm looking forward to going again next year. You should all venture out to a Chipotle for their Boo-riffic Halloween, too.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Flava Trippin'

Hello! Nyamo back again with another adventure. This time you'll hear about the miracle fruit, or if you want to sound smart, you can use the scientific name: Synsepalum dulcificum. The miracle fruit gets its name from its special ability to make sour things taste sweet! A friend of mine had some miracle fruit tablets and a bunch of sour fruits for us to try.

Here I am taking my first try of the tablets. Look at those lemons just waiting to be gobbled up! I was afraid they'd be really, really sour, but I didn't need to worry at all. It really was a miracle! I felt like I could've had a whole lemon to myself but my friend warned me that I might get a tummy ache.

"Don't eat all the lemons, Nyamo, or you'll get a tummy ache!"

It was such a neat adventure! If you get the chance to try some miracle fruit, you definitely should. Nya~!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back in Chicago

Nyamo here! It sure has been a while. I've been off adventuring in Hawaii over the summer and had so much fun there that I forgot about keeping you all up to date. I'm back in Chicago, and should have more chances to share my adventures with all of you. Nya!

Today I'm sitting here writing this and munching on some oishii (delicious) chocolate from Hershey's that I got the other day. The public transportation in Chicago is so convenient. I got to take the Red Line to get to the Hershey's store.

It didn't take too long waiting for the train to come. I decided to count all the red cars that went by on the interstate to make the time go faster. I counted 7 before the train arrived.

There it is. Yay! And it wasn't very long before I found myself in front of the Hershey's store. The people working there were so nice, they gave me a hat just like theirs!

I even made a new friend while I was roaming around the store. Maybe I'll go back again soon!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Field Museum Adventure

Hello again, everyone! Nyamo here. Today's post is about my trip to the Field Museum in Chicago. I visited the museum with some friends during their Spring Break. It was a lot of fun. I was really excited to see some dinosaur fossils!

Here are some of the fossils that I got to see. There's a mammoth fossil on the left! I'm glad they were just fossils, though, seeing just how big they were was a bit intimidating for a cat like me. =^.^;=
There was an exhibit in the museum with giant arthropods. Creepy!

This was possibly the best part of the trip. I got to meet the coolest mouse I've known: Lincoln F. Mouse. I ran into him at the gift shop looking a bit bored and asked him if he wanted to join in on my museum adventure for the day. I was glad he was up for the adventure. It's always fun making new friends.

We stopped a bit for sandwiches at the Corner Bakery in the museum. It was so good. Mm... if only they had some tuna, then it would have been amazing.

We lost Lincoln for a bit and I was worried that we wouldn't be able to find him. Looked like Sue found him before we did, but luckily we got there in time to get him out of there. Whew!

There were two brothers working on a neat art project on the second floor of the museum. I stopped a while to watch one of them working. They used a curved canvas and their special viewing device to see a "ghost" image on the canvas that they would trace using micron pens. It was really neat! Maybe I should start an art project sometime, nya.

Gift shop time! One of my friends found this neat pirate shirt but it was a little bit too big for me. I guess I'll have to stick to shopping at the nearest Small and Short store for now.

Overall, it was a great day for adventuring. The Field Museum was so huge! I think I'll have to visit it again to see more of the exhibits that I missed along the way.

~ Nyamo

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Adventure

Nyamo here again! It's been a while since my last post but that's because I've been really busy adventuring around Chicago for the past couple weeks. Most of my adventuring downtown started on St. Patrick's Day two weeks ago. I heard from a friend that they always dye the Chicago River green to celebrate the holiday and I just had to see for myself.

There was a lot of waiting that morning. I had to wake up early to find a spot in the crowd with a good view of the river.

Luckily, I made a few good friends while waiting. They were just as excited as I was to see the river being dyed! I wish I asked this guy where he got his cool shades. =>.<=

I found a leprechaun that day too! But he wouldn't tell me where his pot of gold was. =T_T=

There were a lot of mounted police near the river that day. I almost thought I was in Canada for a minute! =^^;=

Finally, a green river! It was really exciting when they finally came around in the boat with the dye. The whole crowd was going wild! I really hope I can see it again next year!!!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello, World!

Nyamo here! I finally decided to start my own blog after a year of adventuring. This way I can share all the neat people I meet and the interesting places I find with all of you. I'm still getting used to this whole Blogger thing, so please bear with me!

For now I think it's time to go enjoy another bottle of Wahaha.

~ Nyamo