Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back in Chicago

Nyamo here! It sure has been a while. I've been off adventuring in Hawaii over the summer and had so much fun there that I forgot about keeping you all up to date. I'm back in Chicago, and should have more chances to share my adventures with all of you. Nya!

Today I'm sitting here writing this and munching on some oishii (delicious) chocolate from Hershey's that I got the other day. The public transportation in Chicago is so convenient. I got to take the Red Line to get to the Hershey's store.

It didn't take too long waiting for the train to come. I decided to count all the red cars that went by on the interstate to make the time go faster. I counted 7 before the train arrived.

There it is. Yay! And it wasn't very long before I found myself in front of the Hershey's store. The people working there were so nice, they gave me a hat just like theirs!

I even made a new friend while I was roaming around the store. Maybe I'll go back again soon!


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